I have been remiss in writing my blog lately. But it does not mean I have not been thinking! So to catch everybody up, these are some of the things on my mind.
There is an election coming up next week. And it seems in just a short period of time (at least by my standards) folks have become disheartened with Barrak Obama. We are sure a "fast food society" in more than one way! It seems that folks do not remember when and how the Recession started. The "bail out" and "TARP" did not begin with Obama. If I remember correctly (and this time I do) there was NO DEFICIT when Clinton was president. It seems we lived through a rough Recession (not as bad as this one) when Reagan was the president, and that Reagan and "King George the 1st," (not GW), left us with a whopping deficit. They believed in "trickle down economy." That is what they called it back then. Less taxes for the wealthy, and wealthy businesses, then, the wealthy will spend more, promoting job growth and prosperity to all. Think they forgot about human nature on that one.
Seems most of the Republicans and all"Tea Partiers" are singing that tired old song again, and folks are believing it! We are in a huge hole. Obama didn't dig it. I know, lets put the same folks in office who dug the hole! That will surely fix the economy! How dare Obama not get us out of a hole that took 8 years to dig in 18 months! Shame on him! If we elect the "trickle down" Tea Partiers and Republicans, then I guess we will dig all the way to China. Guess were heading that way this election if folks forget their history. And folks, this is not ancient history!!!! Maybe it has to do with education? OK--no time to get me started on that one!
I did want to talk a little about something else I've been thinking about. I heard this morning on my local NPR station that a sign of health for a country is the height of it's citizens. Interesting right? Since the colonial times American have been taller than Europeans--until now it seems. Apparently, good nutrition and health care are what makes an individual grow as tall as his genetics will allow. Well guess what (Fast food society again???) ? American children are lagging behind again. Did you know that in the Netherlands the average height of men is 6 feet 1 inch? That is the average. And in the land of the free and brave, we are averaging 5 feet 9 inches from 5'10" just a generation ago. "Why?" you may ask. It seems that in Europe, and especially in the Netherlands, women get great prenatal care and the children are given better food and health care. Obama screwed it up again didn't he? Pushing health care reform. What a dumb idea! How many folks with health care can afford their part of the payment for even a routine surgery? Do you have an extra 10 grand for a simple gallbladder removal. And what about those pre- existing conditions? Obama's health care reform, starts with getting rid of the "pre existing condition" problem, starting with those pesky short and obese American children! But we do not need health care reform! Oh, and who wants to get rid of Medicare? You know those nice Tea Partiers and Republicans say that those on Medicare will have benefits taken away. Folks learn the truth. Read. Investigate. Don't believe anything any one puts in print or on an add without examining it! Oh, and by the way, how many of you know who the VP is? Apparently, only about 20% of our youth--you know those short chubby folks who are only 14th in the world regarding education as discussed in a previous blog...
And by the way, how about our gay youth having to live through bullying, suicidal thoughts and worse. It is true, I will tell you, as a therapist, it will get better!! Did you know that approximately one in ten people are gay? In all countries, in all of humanity. But why should they have to wait!!! What ever happened to teaching respect and dignity to all people? I must be crazy to believe nobody should be bullied!! I guess I am just really old fashioned! I guess our children should be taught to judge others. Our religions too. What ever happened to letting God do the judging?
OK. I've gone off on one of my little tangents, I know.
I hope everyone votes next Tuesday. What I really hope is that every one think, read, research and remember history. Don't vote the "popular paid political commercial stands." Remember who can afford to donate the most money and pay for the most lobbyists. It is not rocket science. Don't just follow the latest crowd--don't be a "Sheeple"!
And my apologies to my high school English teacher: when I go on a rant, I am not responsible for my grammar and writing! Also, Mark Twain said, "It is a poor man (or woman I think) who can spell a word only one way."
*NEXT: More Tails from Lake Dogs Not Gone where the men are handsome, the women are beautiful and the dogs outsmart them all. More on our life in the RV.
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